Wednesday, October 21, 2009

F!T F!X Workout

Complete 100 reps of each exercise before going on to the next.
Using a Barbell for the exercises (pick your weight).

Push Press (little squat into a shoulder press)
Bi Curl
Bent Over Row
Sumo Squat (bar on shoulders)
Calf Raise (bar on shoulders)

F!T F!X Workout

5 Sets as fast as you can go
300m Row
10 Push Ups
20 Crunch
30 Star Jumps

Sunday, October 18, 2009

F!T F!X Workout

Complete 5 Sets of:
1 Km Ride
5 Chin Ups
10 Box Jumps (jump up onto a box, height of box up to you)
15 Push Press (mini squat into a shoulder press)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

F!T F!X Afternoon Workout

2 Sets as fast as you can :
10 Burpies with Barbell
20 Sumo High Pull (sumo squat then upright row)
1 km Ride
500 m Row

F!T F!X Morning Workout

5 Sets of :
Ride 1km
30 Kettlebell Swings (I used 20kg)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

F!T F!X Workout

Wearing a Weighted Vest complete the following workout :
3 km Run
50 Walking Lunges (legs)
50 Push Ups (chest)
50 Squats (legs)
50 Shoulder Push Ups (shoulders)
6 km Bike without vest
50 Crunch (abs)
50 Back Extension (lower back)
50 Leg Raise (lower abs)
50 Prone Leg Raise (lower back)
3 km Run without vest

Monday, October 12, 2009

F!T F!X Afternoon Workout

3 Sets as fast as you can and record time
Row 500m
5 Burpies with Med Ball (Chest touches ball)
10 Ball Slams (Ball Above head and slam down on ground)
15 Wall Balls (Squat down, explosivly come up and throw 10foot up against wall, catch and repeat)

F!T F!X Morning Workout

3km Run then
5 Sets of the following exercises :
5 Chin Ups (back)
10 Push Ups (chest)
15 Squats (legs)
20 Crucnhs (abs)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

F!T F!X Workout

See how you go with this one:
3km Run
100 Tyre Flips (any size that tests you)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

F!T F!X Workout

Keg Workout - See how many reps you can do.
Using a empty keg do:

5 Mins Lunges (Keg on Shoulders, Both Legs = 1 Rep)
5 Mins Bent Over Row (Keg touch Chest, Watch your back,)
5 Mins Push Ups (From toes, Core on, Chest touch keg)

Empty Keg is 10kg, you can fill it up to make harder.

Friday, October 9, 2009

F!T F!X Workout

3 Sets as fast as you can
Row 500m
10 Push Up On Med Ball
10 Russian Twist With Med Ball

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

F!T F!X Workout

AM Workout (Back Workout)
Run 3km
50 Jumping Wide Grip Pull Ups
50 Jumping Pull Ups
50 Jumping Chin Ups

PM Workout (Chest Workout)
3 Sets as fast as you can
Row 500m
10 Hindu Push Ups
10 Wide Grip Push Ups
10 Normal Push Ups
10 Close Grip Push Ups

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

F!T F!X Workout

Todays workout is 7 sets each, cycling through the 3 exercises, dropping 3 reps off each exercise each set.

AM Workout
Reps 21-19-15-12-9-6-3
Burpiee (Chest to touch ground)
Back Extenstion

PM Workout
Reps 21-19-15-12-9-6-3
Kettlebell Swing (Pick a weight to suit you, I used 24kg)
Push Up

Saturday, October 3, 2009

F!T F!X Workout

Complete the following workout in order as fast as you can, focusing on cardio, back, abs, legs.

Row 1000m
50 Jumping Pull Ups
50 Crunch
Ride 1000m
50 Sumo Squats
50 Star Jumps
Row 500m
25 Jumping Pull Ups
25 Crunch
Ride 500m
25 Sumo Squats
25 Star Jumps

Friday, October 2, 2009

F!T F!X Fan Page

F!T F!X on Facebook