Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday - Work

Took fitness test for bootcamp this morning and at night.
Headed to town for Boxing and circuit class.

Monday - Workout

3 Sets for time

Row 500m
20 Push Ups (Feet on med ball)
20 Wall Ball

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday - Workout

Today do this as fast as you can

Run 3k
30 Box Jumps
30 Push Ups
30 Deep Squats
30 Shoulder Press
30 Lunges
30 Jumping Pull Ups
30 Deadlift
30 Dips

Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday - Work

Bootcamp at Gawler in the morning, got a massage, PT client from home, then fitness for recovery group session at Kersbrook

Friday - Workout

Keg Workout - 2 Sets

200 m Keg Run (Bear Hug)
15 Shoulder Press
15 Dips (Hands on Keg)
15 Squat (On Shoulders)
200 m Keg Run (On Shoulders)
15 Push Ups (Hands on Keg)
15 Bicept Curl
15 Lunge (On Shoulders / Each Leg)
200 m Keg Run (Above Head)
15 Push Ups (Feet on Keg)
15 Toss (Throw Overhead)
15 Deadlift

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wednesday - Work

Wook for me today was Bootcamp in the morning, PT client, Into town for group classes, home and 2 PT clients

Picked up a big truck trye I cant flip yet...

Wednesday - Workout

Row for 10 mins
20 Back Extensions
Row for 5 mins
20 Back Extensions
Row for 2.5 mins
20 Back Extensions

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday - Work

Group class this morning at Charles Milton Wines (legs and chest), then Group class (Butt), into town for gym work, PT session (wonders how her legs will feel), then netball club for pre season.

Tuesday - Rest

Rest day...

Will practise doing muslce ups

Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday - Work

Bootcamp in the morning, off to town for boxing and circuit, home for Bootcamp.

Monday - Workout

3 Sets of the following for time

500m Row
20 Push Press
20 Double Crunch

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Saturday - Workout

21-15-9 reps of

Shoulder Push Ups
Ring dips
Push Ups

If you get time do

100m Run
50 Kettlebell Swings
200m Run
40 Kettlebell Swings
400 Run
30 Kettlebell Swings
600 Run
20 Kettlebell Swings
800 Run
10 Kettlebell Swings

Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday - Work

Bootcamp in the morning, 2 PT clients together, got a massage then trained another PT client. Heading off to Kersbrook soon to take a group fitness class.

Friday - Workout

Do this workout as fast as possible

1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

You can partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats if you need.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thursday - Work

Had group session in the morning focusing on the glutes then a Personal training client.

Later in the day had another Personal training client then Bootcamp

Thursday - Workout

Trye Workout - 50 Reps using the Tyre

Tyre Flips
Sit Ups (Feet in Trye)
Dips (Hands on Trye)
Box Jumps (On to Trye)
Back Extension (Feet in Trye)
Push Ups (Hands on Trye)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesday - Work

Up early for a circuit class then pilates, into town for gym work, now I head off to take a PT client then nettball team.

Tuesday - Workout

21 - 15 - 9

Pull Ups
Push Ups
Deep Squats

Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday - Work

Had 2 PT clients today & instructed 2 sessions of Bootcamp. Also took Boxing and circuit classes.

Monday - Workout

3 Sets for time

Row 1k or Run 1k
30 DB Swing
30 DB Overhead Lunge

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday - Work

Bootcamp this morning, PT client during the day and Group session at night

Friday - Workout

50 Reps - 2 Sets

Box Jumps
Jumping Pullups
Push Press

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thursday - Work

Group class this morning focusing on Abs,
Did the Thursday Workout (Should have added more running).
Got a massage then 2 PT clients.
Did a workout with mate (weighted pull ups, dips and pushups).
Instructed Bootcamp (pushed them hard!!!!!).

Thursday - Workout

3 Sets for time

Run 200 m
30 Pushups
30 Back Extension
30 Situps

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wednesday - Work

Bootcamp this morning then into town for Swissball Pilates and then Boxing (abs got a workout).
Then home to do a workout with a mate with Tryes (got 2 new big ones). Then PT client from home.

Wednesday - Workout

1000m Row
20 Push Press
500m Row
20 Dumbbell Burpies
250m Row
20 Dumbbell Swing

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday - Work

Group class at Charles Melton Wines, then Circuit Group session.
Train into town for Gym Floor at the Advertiser.
PT client at Lobethal then Lobethal Luthern Netball Club Pre-Season (Going to be a few sore girls again).

Tuesday - Workout

5 Sets for time

5 Pullups
10 Burpies
15 Pushups
20 Squats
25 Situps

Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday - Work

Was a public holiday and only instructed bootcamp at 6:30pm

Monday - Workout

21 - 15 - 9

Tyre Flip
Box Jump on Tyre
Push Ups Feet on Tyre

Tyre Flip
Jump Through Tyre
Dips with Tyre

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday - Work

Today I had 1 PT client in the morning then a my first group Sunday Fun Day Fitness session, Very happy with the turn out!!

Now iam off to the Adelaide Fitness expo..

Sunday - Workout

Rest day

Practise Ring Dips.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Saturday - Work

Today had 5 Personal Training clients..

Saturday - Workout

100m Run
20 Pushups
5 Burpies
10 Clap Pushups
5 Burpies
Run 100m
20 Pushups to Chest
5 Burpies
10 Fingertip Pushups
5 Burpies
Run 100m
15 Pushups
5 Burpies
10 Clap Pushups
5 Burpies
Run 100m
15 Pushups to Chest
5 Burpies
10 Fingertip Pushups
5 Burpies
Run 100m
10 Pushups
5 Burpies
10 Clap Pushups
5 Burpies
Run 100m
10 Pushups to Chest
5 Burpies
10 Fingertip Pushups
5 Burpies

Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday - Work

Instructed Bootcamp in the morning, then PT client.

Got a massage then 2 PT clients and headed to Kersbrook to take Fitness for recovery

Friday - Workout

21 - 15 - 9

Squat Jumps

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thursday - Work

Today I was up early and took a group session focusing on inner thighs and abs at Charles Melton Winery (wonder how they will pull up tomorrow).

Had a PT client from home.

Took Gawler Central Football Club Under 17s for a Bootcamp Session, then Insructed normal Bootcamp at Clonlea Park.

Thursday - Workout

3 Sets for Time

800m Run
20 Deadlift
20 Shoulder Press

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday - Work

Up early to take a Group Class.
Then another Circuit Class.
Into town for Gym work.
Then headed up to Lobethal to take PT session then Lobethal Netball Club for Pre Season (They are going to be sore).

Tuesday - Workout

12 Pull Ups
12 Burpies

10 Rounds for Time

Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday - Work

Up early to take Bootcamp (First of the month = fitness test).

Then caught the train into town to take 2 group classes (Boxing and Circuit).

Now heading off to Instruct Bootcamp tonight (Fitness test again).

Monday - Workout

Complete this workout for time

50 Box Jumps
50 Jumping Pullups
50 Walking Lunges
50 Situps
50 Kettlebell Swings
50 Pushups
50 Back Extensions
50 Push Press

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